Cardio and Core
A match made in heaven to keep you fit and stabilize your core.
Service Description
Our new Cardio and Core class will give you the best of both worlds, giving you a great cardio workout plus work your important core muscles. The class format is in blocks alternating between cardio blocks and core blocks. At 45 minutes, this class will get your heart rate up and activate your core stabilizing muscles - your transverse abdomininis, internal obliques, and your lumbar multifidus. These terms may not be familiar to you yet, but working them will help open and strengthen the back of your body, thus aid with lower back pain and combat all the sitting and working from home. If you're just getting back into working out, this class is perfect for you. The instructor will give you options to help meet you where you are. The Covid-19 pandemic has taught us just how important our health is, so why not start exercising today, or add this new class to your rotation and improve your stamina and strength! What you'll need: * Yoga mat - each student should have their own yoga mat, or a towel on a soft surface. No weights. * Water bottle - it's important to stay hydrated during this class * Zoom-compatible device - iPad, laptop or mobile phone to watch live stream and camera if want to engage with instructor * Zoom app on device - iPhone , Android, or Computer.

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Classes need to be booked atleast 30 minutes before a class starts. Cancellations must be done atleast 72 hours before class start time.
Contact Details
55 East 3rd Avenue, San Mateo, CA, USA