Before you start, do our Fitness Assessment to get an idea of where you are in terms of strength, balance and mobility. If it’s been a while since you worked out consistently, you’re recovering from an injury or just went through a pregnancy, we recommend you to start in Month 1. If you already work out consistently, and do well on the fitness assessment, then jump onto Month 2. In general we recommend starting easy, building a solid foundation and consistency, rather than pushing yourself too hard from day 1 and then being forced to slow things down.
Related Programs:
Day 1: Bodyweight Workout (15 min) & Stretching (10 min)
Day 2: Active Recovery
Day 3: Short Equipment Free Workout (25 min)
Day 4: Active Recovery
Day 5: Bodyweight Workout (15 min)
Day 6: Active Recovery
Day 7: Active Recovery
Day 1: Bodyweight Workout (15 min)
Day 2: Active Recovery
Day 3: Short Equipment Free Workout (25 min)
Day 4: Active Recovery
Day 5: Bodyweight Workout (15 min)
Day 6: Active Recovery
Day 7: Short Equipment Free Workout (25 min)
Day 1: Bodyweight Workout (15 min)
Day 2: Active Recovery
Day 3: Cardio & Core (45 min)
Day 4: Active Recovery
Day 5: Bodyweight Workout (15 min)
Day 6: Active Recovery
Day 7: Short Equipment Free Workout (25 min)
Day 1: Total Body Strength 1 (45 min)
Day 2: Active Recovery
Day 3: Cardio & Core 1 (45 min)
Day 4: Active Recovery
Day 5: Bodyweight Workout (15 min)
Day 6: Active Recovery
Day 7: Short Equipment Free Workout (25 min)